9.23 – Eyes Closing

A/N: Whew, finally at the end of Gen 9! It only took a year longer than I predicted XD  Thank you guys sooo much for patiently waiting for each chapter and for leaving the nicest comments ❤  I took summer classes this year so I wasn’t able to post for a while, but I’ll be back with Generation 10 as soon as I can. Unbelievable I made it this far….


It was never a good thing when the unicorns were upset. In hindsight, I should’ve seen it coming. Should’ve known my stint with the Macvans would have a lasting effect.

Everything started with civil unrest. Some anti-supernatural townspeople began whispering that I was still loyal to the Macvan gang, the gang that murdered and stole from them. There were Macvans still alive who hadn’t been thrown in prison, they said.

So riots began.

Continue reading “9.23 – Eyes Closing”

9.22 – A Small Step for Mankind

A/N: Song is here. Bit of a time jump between this chapter and the last, but that’s because this will be the second to last chapter of Gen. 9! We’re finally almost done with Link’s rollercoaster of a generation. Woooo! 


The year following our daughter’s birth was rough, to say the least. I thought Ava and I were on the path to divorce for a while. We were constantly exhausted, snappy, and cranky towards each other. She screamed at me for ‘burying myself in work’ and ‘not doing enough’ for the baby, but it’s not like I could grow a set of boobs. Plus I had to work. Money is important…

But for every reason I had to give up, my beautiful little girl gave me ten times more to never stop trying.

Continue reading “9.22 – A Small Step for Mankind”

9.21 – Blanket of Snow

A/N: Song is here. I changed the house Link and Ava live in because the old one was too laggy, so hopefully this one is better! Just imagine their house underwent major renovations. Also wow it’s been nearly half a year since the last story update. My life has changed a lot since then, but this story is something that will always remain constant. Sorry for the shorter chapter, but once again, I just want to get back in the flow of writing!

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The town was in an uproar.

Vanished criminal heir to Svartur reappears in wedding to local girl.

I frowned upon reading the morning newspaper’s article. “Ava? Look at this.” I folded the paper roughly in half and left it on her place mat.

Ava shuffled in a moment later, still in her kitty slippers and robe. Pushing her glasses up her nose, she stifled a yawn and rested her chin on her hand as she read.

Continue reading “9.21 – Blanket of Snow”

9.20 – Promise

A/N: Song is here. Wow I’ve missed you! My hiatus was longer than expected and will still be in effect while I’m in school, but I won’t abandon this story! Gen 9 will just take longer than expected XD Although this chapter is waaay on the short side, I’m so excited to be writing again and interacting with you guys!

“Things worked out well for you, didn’t they?” Pan scoffed while fiddling with the edge of the couch. “You get to marry her, you get to be a major part of her life and meanwhile I’m…”

“She wants to meet you.”

“But her father won’t let me! Oh this is ridiculous, I’m her father. Elubarin should have no say in our relationship!” Pan gestured aggressively at the air, then dropped his arms and sighed. “I suppose he has the right to, being her legal guardian and all. Link, we’ve had this conversation twenty times now. Is anything ever going to change?”

I gave him a shrug. “That depends on…”

Continue reading “9.20 – Promise”

9.18 – Blackout

A/N: Wasn’t too sure what to title this one but song is here. I really want to reach Gen 10 before school starts up in August but agh I don’t know if that will be possible. Let’s all hope for the best 🙂

Oooh also, warning for sim nudity. No genitals, but basically everything else 😛


As you can imagine, a baby born out-of-wedlock in a christian family would cause a hell of a lot of drama, so Ryan and Hannah immediately set to work planning their wedding. They kept the ceremony small and limited to close friends and family.

Hannah was already a few months into her pregnancy, but her dress hid the bump well. She was so smart, beautiful, and kind. Her and Ryan made the perfect couple.

Continue reading “9.18 – Blackout”

9.17 – Am I Not Human?

A/N: Song found here. Not sure if I should put a warning on this chapter, but it does contain suicidal thoughts, so now you know. Read at your own discretion.

Also, Hannah’s house was made by the lovely, talented TheSimperiusCurse ❤


“So… How did you and Ryan meet?” I asked. Hannah and I were headed to pick him up. It had been about a month since his first surgery, and he’d had two more in that time frame. His leg now had a metal rod implanted in it. Though obviously I couldn’t see it: a powder white cast covered all signs of injury. Ryan was due to start physical therapy soon, but the doctor gave him permission to head home. Wherever “home” was.

“Funny you should ask.” She smiled and gently cleared her throat, leading me to the elevators as she spoke. “He was sitting on the sidewalk – begging, I believe – and he was having trouble standing up.”

I sighed. “Arthritis.”

“Oh yes, osteoarthritis can be quite a nuisance. I noticed him struggling and offered help, one thing led to another and, well, here we are.”

Continue reading “9.17 – Am I Not Human?”

9.16 – Gift of Life

A/N: Song is here. Thank you to everyone who left a comment on the last chapter! As always, I appreciate your input ❤


Months Later

My initiation day came faster than expected. With Caesar gone, Jacks made me work double to make up for the loss of our burglar trainee. When I wasn’t stealing jewelry, I was confined to the mansion. After my “rebellious stint” with Caesar, the leader wanted to keep a close eye on me. Teleporting out was always an option, but there was no reason to. So I spent my days relaxing. Reading. Thinking. Planning.

Continue reading “9.16 – Gift of Life”

9.15 – Heart of Courage

A/N: This chapter’s song is here. Gosh, it’s hard to get back in the flow of writing. The first quarter of this chapter still bugs me, but I figured it’s better to release it as ‘meh’ rather than wait months again, because I can always come back and edit it. I don’t know what it is… The writing just didn’t flow >.<  But enough of that. As always, thanks for reading! And don’t be afraid to leave constructive criticism if you can! I’d love to know what’s off about this gosh diddly darned chapter.


My head throbbed as I rolled over. Stifling a groan, I fumbled around the nightstand for the clock. Instead, my fingers brushed a cool glass. Cracking one eye open, I shifted closer and found a note resting under the cup.

Link: be at the leader’s room at 2:00pm sharp 

Underneath, in distinctly different handwriting, it said: water + food helps hangover

I would’ve spent more time trying to figure out what was going on, but I had caught sight of the time and it was already 1:12pm. Shit. I smelled like I’d been bathing in whiskey.

Continue reading “9.15 – Heart of Courage”

9.14 – Undefeated

A/N: Hey, wouldya look at that… It’s another chapter! I’ve been productive now that college doesn’t exist ^_^ Anyway, link to this chapter’s song is here. Enjoy!


What have I done? What have I done what have I done what have I fucking done?!

Actually, I knew exactly what I’d done. I had screwed myself over. Ava would never take me back now, and Pan would never feel comfortable enough to meet her. It wasn’t fair. If only I could convince him…

But that was impossible.

Continue reading “9.14 – Undefeated”